Turning Supernatural
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Turning supernatural info Empty Turning supernatural info

Post by The Lord Regent Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:38 pm

Turning Supernatural 

The shadows of the world are best not peered into by the eyes of mortal man lest he learn he is ultimately prey. It’s a fact everyone knows in the back of their mind, that chill they get when they’re alone in the dark, that eerie feeling that plays they’re mind on a silent night, the slow madness that sets in when They’re isolated for too long, but to face that fact with the conscious mind often leaves them thoroughly insane. Of course you don’t know the feeling yourself, in this world there are predators and prey, you are the predator, and they the prey. You are a being of unnatural origin, be it fae, vampire, werewolf, or witch you are built to think of yourself as predator not prey. Shall I tell you a secret? You’re wrong, all of you; from the oldest of fae kings, to the youngest vampire fledgling, some day you will all  find yourselves on the wrong end of the of the hunt, and you will know the fear that lurks within man, hides deep within you too.

Witch: Witches like vampires, and some werewolves were once human; however unlike those becoming a witch is always a choice. Witches need to perform a human sacrifice to beings beyond our realm to gain their powers. While in an outright confrontation Witches are probably the least threatening of all supernaturals, they can make powerful potions, charms to ward off just about anything, bind spirits, and they can lay curses making them a forced to be reckoned with in some respects. To cast their most  powerful spells witches require ingredients most of which must be collected from a freshly dead human corpse for their greatest effect. Witches usually operate as families, or covens disguised as social groups, all though in some places shamans and witch doctors serve a well known local role, tales from such backwards places are usually considered ridiculous superstition.

Fae: The fae are beings from a shrouded land somewhere in the atlantic ocean can most often be split into two categories, the Seelie and unseelie fae. The seelie fae are generally joyful and optimistic, and seek to spread joy throughout the world; many travel as part of seelie circusses or become entertainers. There is however, an ulterior motive for their seeming benevolence, it is on this joy and happiness which they feed. As the human victim is fed on for extended periods of time  their ability to feel happiness and contentment will become dulled, and eventually disappear entirely. Fortunately the seelie fae have a solution at a reasonable price, Hearthfire a drug that allows one who has otherwise lost their ability to feel joy to feel it even greater than normal; however should the human stop taking Hearthfire they will never feel happiness again.
The Unseelie Fae are a different beast entirely. As opposed to happiness they feed off of sorrow, pain, and fear. There are two primary ways they can operate, either forming criminal gangs that terrorize an area, or a lone fae finding a human and slowly using their powers and malice to ruin their life; those few who survive extended feeding become entirely void of remorse, pain, fear, and sorrow. The unseelie fae are not wholly malevolent, and are prone to forming close personal attachments which they treasure dearly, nor are the Seelie Fae wholly peaceful often times their “pranks” will cause serious harm which they care little about, additionally those who threaten them will face harsh judgement. Common fae powers can include, fae magic, invisibility, shapeshifting, and either inhuman strength or grace; though these are by no means the only ones.

Spirits: Spirit is a broad category that generally refers to paranormal creatures usually ones with some sort of non physical manifestation, it can refer to natural manifestations of natural forces, strange oriental creatures called yokai, powerful Djinn who were worshipped as mortal gods in pre islamic arabia, lingering souls known as Ghosts, the escaped fallen angels whose bodies burnt away in  the fires of hell known as demons, and far worse. Those spirits  not tied to primal forces need human souls to sustain themselves beyond a mortal life span. Powers vary based on spirit type.

Cryptids: Cryptids are poorly understood creatures many of which are thought to be descended from the monsters that roamed the earth in ancient times. Some could be considered fully a species while others a solitary aberration. Some of the most frequently encountered from the latter category are the goatmen. It must be noted that while goatmen are shapeshifters, they are not werecreatures. While they can take on human forms, their inhuman nature is glaring, they do not speak much and when they do their voice is inhuman and without cadance, and they are prone to do things like laugh without making a sound. Their ability to blend into crowds seamlessly while in crowds while they play their sadistic and often deadly games is thought to be supernatural; goatmen enjoy terrorizing and sometimes slaughtering groups or solitary travelers in rural areas, and often feud with werewolves due to their territories being close to each other. A solitary example would be the jersey Devil, a chimera like monster that seems outwardly demonic to the human eye, but has seemingly no connection to proper demons upon proper inspection, it tends to avoid humans when unprovoked, at best they are an unexpected but not unpleasant snack if they wander near its lair, but is very dangerous and territorial with other supernatural beings. Their abilities tend to be mostly physical, and some even seem to lack supernatural qualities entirely.

Vampires: Humanity in the modern age believes itself without predators, the apex life form of the planet to which all other species rank far below, after all was it not man that killed the greatest predators in the ice age? Was it not they who mastered fire and iron and became the fear of all other creatures? Exterminating species as they so well pleased?  Hubris, arrogance, in this modern world they forget the creatures that once had them huddling about their camp fires, shivering in fear. Twin fanged, pallid skinned, blood drinkers who stalked the night and vanished as the sun rose. Possessed of great strength, speed, durability, and hypnotic gaze and voice, and some even whispered a dark form of sorcery.  The Vampire, their name still inspiring fear and awe in a mankind that doesn't even believe in them anymore. Yet they still live though their stature is reduced

Once they were masters of the night, residing in dark castles that towered over the fearful villages of their human cattle. Once their terrible clans stretched from the cold hamlets of Russia to the deserts of Arabia, the deepest jungles of Africa, and even the mist hugged  mountain valleys of the far east. Gathering in malevolent cabals they orchestrated the fall of Rome,throwing open it's gates to the hordes of Alaric and Attila. For it was their deepest desire to fully dominate the world of men, and fearing the growing empires and enlightenment of men, they sowed chaos where they could. In the Dark Age of Europe clans of vampires ruled with impunity, commanding peasants with terror, manipulating feudal lords and causing bloody wars that they may feast on the corpses left behind. Yet they grew arrogant and, trying to tip the balance of power firmly win their scale they set the stage for their own doom.  Far out in the wastes of Asia, where the nights were long and the sun was pale and cold, they created with foul magic a plague, a plague meant to shatter the world of men once and for all, a Bubonic Plague.  Yet despite even this, and the grievous losses wreaked, humanity still survived, and when the men of Europe staggered back to their feet...they were filled with a holy wrath. United by a common foe all the holy orders of the west and the near east began a great purge, one that would end the Dark Age once and for all.  The clans were torn to shreds, their elders staked and burned,their ancient history lost, their crypts put to the torch, their castles thrown down...by the end the great vampire kindreds who had ruled in secret were no more.

Cast down and now numbering only in a few hundred they slunk into the shadows, and as the years waned on out of the minds of men, except those in the most 'backwards' and 'primitive' of locales. Despite the centuries they've had to recover the vampire race grows slowly, more focused on survival than revenge against mankind, having learned the lesson of such hubris. And now they number across the world at only  700 or so, biding their time, gradually recovering. And with humanity having forgotten them, too distracted by their own growth, they now walk the night unabated. And who knows perhaps one day humans will find that once again...they are the prey.

Werewolves: Far far in the distant past when the Earth was fresh and vibrant and young, and man hunted with sticks and stones, there were two worlds, the world of the Spirit, and the mortal world. The spirit world was the land of dreams, nightmares, and beliefs, and the mortal world the land of the physical. Defending the balance between these two worlds was Father Wolf a being of great might and power who patrolled the border between these planes and defended nature. Luna, spirit of the moon was impressed by his strength and duty, and in her mortal form took him as a lover, in their union the Anihwaya were born. A fusion of flesh and spirit, man and wolf, the creatures known now as werewolves. Fearsome and mighty were these children, and possessed of five forms that blended the line between man and beast, they would be Father Wolf's successors and were possessed  of gifts from both him and Luna. From Luna came the power of essence, letting them attune with spirit totems to Gifts like seeing the dead, or blending with shadows, or create fetishes that stored strong magic. from Father Wolf came the Kuruth or 'Death Rage' a mighty bestial force hidden within each Werewolf.

Yet as time passed Father Wolf grew gray, old, and weak,  hoping to prevent him from failing in his duties the Anihwaya rose up and killed their father. Yet the death of Father Wolf had greater consequences than they had imagined and in this trapped the realm of the spirits within the mortal plane itself, creating the Earth we know today. Distraught by her lovers death Luna cursed the tribes of her children that rose against him, making them susceptible to the Rage and vulnerable to her sacred metal of silver. The guilty tribes then swore an oath to continue Father Wolves duties by protecting the balance between the spirit and material and in this regained some of Luna's favor but costing them the enmity of the spirits, and she gave them the power of the Phases and of the Howling. These Five tribes are now known as the Forsaken, and the tribes which refrained are known as the Pure Breeds. Or so the legends most commonly speak...there are many other tales, speaking of many other origins. Yet tonight this tale

For a long time the Anihwaya kept more or less to their duties as the defenders of balance and nature. Ever vigilant and aggressive they culled humans when they felt they had to (some tribes more than others), and subduing spirits who grew too unruly. But as the ages wore on, man began to grow in knowledge and power, learning, codifying, and making the world more and more Mundane. Without their wonder and fear for the natural world the spirits have grown weaker and weaker, and the wolves began to feel more and more obsolete in a shifting world. Now many werewolves, their numbers slowly declining, have forgotten or simply ignore the old oaths. Some disrupt the balance, becoming harshly insular and xenophobic and killing any humans they come across. Other bands of renegade wolves simply go about doing as they please. Yet there are still those who follow the old ways, united in their packs, tribes, and lodges, and when their howls echo through the cold night both man and spirit know...the Wolves are on the Hunt.

The Wolves possess five forms
Hishu: A regular, if remarkably fit and healthy human form.
Dahu: A near human form where they become bigger and hairier
Gauru: A form channeling the full power of both man and wolf, large in size, covered in fur, and only used to kill, it calls on the most rage.
Urshul: A form calling on the massive size of the dire wolf of pre-history.
Urhan: A regular wolf form that is just faster than a regular wolf.

The Changed: Many tales and legends speak of the Fae, mystical inhuman, beautiful creatures who come from another world, spreading joy and mischief, or pain and sorrow. Yet one of the most enduring of these  tales is that of the mortal, stolen from our world and whisked off to theirs, often never seen by their families again....These tales, like many surrounding the strange fae, ring eerily true. Though most are taken as children, stolen from their nurseries in the night as their families slept. Some are older are taken, some fae finding it more amusing to torment someone with memories of their old life. Perhaps a high school student skipping class to hang out with their friends in the woods? Or a middle aged man who went missing after a car crash. Whatever the story all are taken to the same place for the same purpose, the hidden land of the fae, to be slaves, bound to amuse and serve their Keeper.

These are just a few ways someone could join The Changed, not quite human, but definitely not Fae, warped in body and mind by the nightmare slavery they endured. Possessed of powers and abilities beyond those of a human, small blessings to soothe their pain. Changed who worked in the deep mines as Ogre slaves possess great strength and stamina. Meanwhile an Elfin servant of a sorcerer or elemental may have access to attunement with the elements.Those lucky ones who escape fly howling from one of the many portals to the Fae world, and crash land in a world they no longer recognize, without family or friends, their minds and memories tattered swirled and confused by the journey back .

 When they land back down, their minds are a mess of torn up memory and emotions, filled with deep terror and loss and anger, and unable to differentiate the real from the faerie. For some this temporary delirium can be assuaged, for others their minds or their spirits just can't take it and they break. Most quickly learn to manipulate the glamour, a strange magic that lets them hide their changed appearance as they please,a necessary survival method in an unfriendly world. Many attempt to return to their human lives as best they can, only to find that no one remembers them, or that when they look through the front window of there house, to see their family at the dinner table...there's someone there who looks an awful lot like them. It turns out that after all this time, their lives have been lived for them. An identical decoy, a 'Fetch' acting as the perfect child, or husband, or sibling in their stead, or as a worse reflection of themselves. Most, knowing their family can't, and won't take them back reluctantly leave this behind and join the rest of Changed society. A society of the kidnapped, of the lost and forgotten, wandering the earth in their caravans, or holing up in their Freeholds.

Changed society is in many ways similar but also the anathema to that of the Fae. Whereas both thrive off intrigue and politics, the Changed (supposedly) hold firm to the concepts of honesty and uprightness, scorning the confusing and paradoxical nature of their former masters. Yet just like their former masters, Contracts, Oaths, and Vows are not just fancy words. Instead they pillars of society bound into deep magic that if held grant great boons, but if broken bring on formidable curses. And though both societies are hierarchical, the Changed rarely settle down in Courts, preferring to move from place to place in mobile Caravans. And their bastions called Freeholds, are governed not by a king but by a council representing the needs of the community.

Despite all this the changed are a disparate and imbalanced people, and to combat this many have adopted four great paths each attuning with a certain Virtue or Emotion and in so doing letting a Changed find deeper purpose and clarity.  So potent are these paths that to the truly dedicated they can even bestow mystical auras or 'Mantles'. Mirrors of the powerful aura of High Fae and representing great spiritual focus, they grant a Changed with special traits and awe-inspiring presence.The four paths are as such, the Path of Stone, attuned with the north, winter, the color black, and the spirit of the tortoise these Changed venerate the aura of Suffering. To join this path is to swear a vigil, to keep humble, to take suffering as a lesson and as a gift, and forswear all other emotions, in this way cutting off the Fae from their nectar..This path is often taken by those most traumatized by their time as slaves, who seek to forget it all.The Path of Fire, this path seeks Passion, attuned to the south, the color red, the season of summer, and the spirit of the Phoenix, these Changed see no reason to wallow in suffering, or to cut off their passion and are one of the most diverse paths ranging from fervent brawlers to visionaries. Then the Path of Metal, attuned to the virtue of Honor, the direction of the west, the season of autumn, and the color white, and the spirit of the Tiger, these dutiful warriors have no goal but to strike back at those who had enslaved them, and often engage in sweeping campaigns against fae living on Earth. Though all Changed find oaths and contracts important, these consider them as important as ones own life. And last but definitely not least the Path of Wood, these Changed are slick and fearsome wall Street wolves and Hong Kong Dragons. The politickers and businessmen who venerate Ambition, the direction of the East, Dragons,spring, and the color Blue. Scorning their pitiful paths as slaves to the Fae these Changed seek power in the mortal world often in the form of money, and are formidable in the use of contracts to gain it.

Some find great happiness in these paths and embrace their new lives as something not quite human. Others use them to find peace and family among their brethren or even humans. And some decide not to join one at all, content to find their own way. And so the Changed go on, wandering  the Earth, walking their Paths, selling their wares, ever wary and vigilant, a beautiful, ugly, twisted, deeply enlightened people. Human yet inhuman, scarred yet enhanced. Divided into many paths and caravans, disparate yet unified.A people of twisted and beautiful madness, determined to never be stolen again.
The Lord Regent
The Lord Regent

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Turning supernatural info Empty Re: Turning supernatural info

Post by The Lord Regent Wed May 15, 2019 12:54 pm

Enjoy a free DLC  race

Mages: From their near flawless ability to blend in with humans to their spectacular command of the arcane it isn’t hard to see how mages thrived when the humans began to drive the vampires and the more identifiable creatures in the late middle ages from their societies. Mages had of course been around long before any of that, the first records of mages were are from ancient times, in Babylon and Akkadia, though little is known about such ancient mages now. While mages had certainly been a powerful and influential force upon human society in the preceding years, the true ascension of mages to the leading supernatural force on earth was felt at the end of the medieval era, and would influence and continue well into the renaissance. It was a miraculous era for man and mage, but substantially less so for spirits and demons whom the mages would capture and utilize as servants or slaves on a regular basis, and  even less so for Vampires whom the mages helped the religious orders of the world hunt to near extinction. Almost no one knows what cause the fall of the wizard orders, other than it began with some sort of devastating internal conflict a hundred years ago, and was followed by most of the remnant mages being opportunistically hunted down by the vampires, spirits, and demons who they and their ancestors had slighted, and some theorize from the many strange and unaccountable deaths something far worse that never quite revealed itself. Most of the mages that survived that little purge rarely used magic or spoke about the conflict again, some never even told their descendents they were mages, those who did never spoke of the conflict as if that itself would invoke their hunters. Mages today are scattered, they have no society to speak of, families may possess a grimoire or two and a hand full of arcane texts, but even that is optimistic. There are many mages out there who don’t even know they are mages, some learn about their powers through accident, a few have been trained from birth in what little knowledge their family possessed, others were told only when they were deemed old enough or even in their parent’s will. Mages are scattered and their knowledge is weak… but few can handle such a situation as well as a mage.

Magic from within: Magic from within is one of the two umbrella terms used by the mages of old, it describes magic cast by channelling the internal power of a mage with gestures (and/or catalysts), and incantations. It’s certainly simpler and more immediate than magic from without, but its schools are quite limited in comparison.

Elementalism: No wizard can control the elements at least not directly, thus the school of elementalism is not based upon control, but mimicry. A wizard through incantations and movements may channel  their magic into imitating behaving like elemental forces, contrary to a lot of media this is one of the most intricate and complex. To master even a single element to its fullest takes decades and a talented mind, yet its versatility is unrivaled in combat, and everyday use.

Glamour: More complex an art than even elementalism this is the art of creating magical apparitions. In the early days of its existence this school was seen as a collection of mildly useful parlor tricks. A school for the mischievous and the vain, something a real wizard wouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole. That was until it was discovered that the apparitions and illusions could take on physical form. Such incantations are very taxing, require constant weaving, and are impractical in the heat of battle. That said their range and usage is vast.

Destruction: The purpose of this school is simple to destroy people and things the caster doesn’t like with , and was one of the first schools devised by the ancient mages. This is far more crude with its destructive bolts an blasts than Elementalism and less versatile, but in its crudeness and simplicity lies its strength it is much faster to cast than elementalism due to its simplistic gestures and incantations.

Abjuration: Along with destruction Abjuration is one of the oldest and most simplistic schools that asks a simple question “How do I not get murdered by peasants with rocks and throwing sticks” Simply put abjuration is the art of creating shields and ward to protect one’s self. It could in many ways be seen as the defensive counterpart to destruction, and most magical duelist would study both in the days when such things existed.

Magic from without: Magic from without is far more ambitious than that of magic within. It involves manipulating the world around  them through meticulous rituals instead of  manifesting their personal power. While spells from without are not castable in a dynamic and urgent situation (though bound spirits can be invoked, enchanted items used, undead ordered around ect.) they can achieve more permanent and miraculous effects.

Sorcery: Sorcery is summoning, binding, and making pacts with spirits or demons. Demonology is one particularly popular subset, and necromancy was once considered a part of sorcery that was expanded into its own school. Most spirits be they, natural, demonic, or something else entirely are contracted or bound for a certain temporary purpose, long term bindings require a powerful or tricky summoner, a desperate spirit, or a heavy cost; the first two are not easy to come by, and the third requires a special type of fool indeed. Ritual circles, containment circles, invocations with true names, and bait are very common aspects of the school.

Necromancy:  There is actually a degree of overlap between sorcery and necromancy, both can summon and bind a ghost for instance, yet a necromancer cannot summon a demon, and a sorcerer cannot raise the dead. Necromancy began as a subset of sorcery, but was expanded by the research of the ancient priests of egypt into the art of binding souls to preserved corpses (although a method of animation was never found leaving them in a bit of a precarious position), and further during the dark ages to animate dead bodies without the use of a soul and bind it to one’s will. While few undead could compare to the power of a demon, they are much easier to bind.

Entropy:The oldest magic of this school is lost for now not only due to the scouring of mages, but the mages of previous era’s who sought its destruction. The idea was to manipulate fundamental forces of the universe such as luck, pestilence, and decay for the purpose of destruction. The rituals that remain are curses and hexes  designed to inconvenience or kill a target, perhaps even lay fallow a field of crops, they are poultry compared to those designed by the mad founder of the school.

Enchantment: The purpose of enchantment s to imbue fantastical properties upon an otherwise ordinary object with meticulous magic rituals often lasting hours or days. While the work is always exhausting, the results are spectacular allowing mages to create magical weapons, armor, wards and constructs of varying quality.

Thaumaturgy: It has been called the personification of the sin of pride by more devout mages. Thaumaturgy seeks to manipulate and control aspects of physics and reality itself through exceedingly dangerous rituals, to create miracles. Teleportation, healing magic, transmutation, and shapeshifting all fall under this school to name a few. Those who would be chronomancers tent come be masters this school, some have even seen a measure of success, though it gave them little comfort with their gruesome fates.

Powers: Mechanics wise a mage can choose two disciplines within and one from without, three from within, two from without, or one from with in and two from without with a penalty to one of the withouts for their powers.
The Lord Regent
The Lord Regent

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Join date : 2015-07-07
Age : 27

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